Welcome to our private members only area.
God bless you Christ the Vine International family. I hope you are all well in the Lord. This is our private online area that we will all be able to access online at any time. We are moving onto an electronic forum in order to keep costs down by reducing our paper usage, also by using this space we will be able to find all information at a touch of a button.
Our website team will update this space weekly with our prayers of the week as well as provide each member with vital information pertinent to our beloved Church.
If you have any questions about how to utilise this space, please speak to a member of our technical department. Sister Lucy is running this space and will therefore be the main point of contact if any issues arise. Sister Lucy does work in shifts and therefore text messaging is preferred as there is no guarantee she will be available answer the phone due to her work pattern, please contact her on 07889875986.
The password to access our members only area will be changed monthly to provide better security and Sister Lucy will update us all via our group WhatsApp.
Please keep note of our Calendar which is publicly available so that new/prospective members of CTVI can find out about our events. There is a link to our calendar on the main menu as well as in the buttons below.
Our website team will update this space weekly with our prayers of the week as well as provide each member with vital information pertinent to our beloved Church.
If you have any questions about how to utilise this space, please speak to a member of our technical department. Sister Lucy is running this space and will therefore be the main point of contact if any issues arise. Sister Lucy does work in shifts and therefore text messaging is preferred as there is no guarantee she will be available answer the phone due to her work pattern, please contact her on 07889875986.
The password to access our members only area will be changed monthly to provide better security and Sister Lucy will update us all via our group WhatsApp.
Please keep note of our Calendar which is publicly available so that new/prospective members of CTVI can find out about our events. There is a link to our calendar on the main menu as well as in the buttons below.